Rose Quartz (Yoni Eggs Med Non- Drilled)
Improves Vaginal Strength
Tightness, and Tones
Assists in becoming more Orgasmic
Releasing Stored Trauma
Elevates Sexual energy Through Chakras
Rose Quartz is a stone for the Heart Chakra that promotes and radiaes Unconditional Love., Self-Love, and overall love for all things. The energy of the rose quarts yoni egg is high but is also peaceful and relaxing.
Emotional/Spritual Benifits
This stone is sometimes called the stone of love. Menaing where ever in ones life they are struggling with a love problen then they will attract the perfect balance. (examples, if you need more love, want to be more loving etc.) This is my personal Self-Love stone, It can assist in knowing your worth and helping those around notice.
Directions (Stones): Cleanse Stones with hot water, bring water to a boil remove from heat then pour on top of crystals. Sage and or Palo Santo and set your intentions for what you want the stone to provide for you as well as what you will provide for it.
Rose quartz is the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace, teaching the true essence of love. It purifies and opens the heart at all levels
Items are ineligable for return. Please contact Cozartswellness@yahoo.comfor assistance.